
Sofia Chicherina

Appartamento a vanzago, milano, mi - Vanzago (MI)

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Archisio - Sofia Chicherina - Progetto Appartamento a vanzago milano mi
A small 2- floor appartment, with a desire to become bigger and lighter. The first floor, supposed to have kitchen and living room in the same volume, sucseeded to have those two areas accurately devided: the kitchen Zone “stops” with the bar table, gently putting the border in between, at the same time creating a cosy place to have a meal. The grey of its top and side, made of kerlite tiles, go on in the grey of the wall, with Shelves for cooking stuff, bottle shelves under the bar, and climb up above the windows, becoming cd and book shelves. The cook surface of the kitchen, as well as the side of the fridge, respond the this “grey Movement” by their own “black one”. The left-side wall of the kitchen, having at the beginning a surface with a 15cm difference of thickness, becomes in itself a part of a kitchen furniture, disappearing behind “invisible” shelves with “push-push” opening doors. The work-and-dine table can hide under the bar to create more space, or on the contrary be taken out in order to be used entirely. The falce ceiling above the kitchen has hidden neon lights, creating a perfect illumination of the whole room in the evening. The fake celling at the enterance comes with the light panel, hiding behind another spacious storage place. The living room area is greeting with a funny book shelf, where the shelf is actually hidden and books seem to be Stuck to walls. The space before the entrance to the bathroom, having before a door, now turnes into a “red angle” of the at, attracting on the one hand attention be its vivid color, and on the other, hiding areas for Storage, also above, thete is a hidden door to open. The white wood stairs, leading to the next oor, offer you to hold on while climbing, to a handrail, made of water tubes, colored white. Their lower part turns into a Hanger for coats, offering the space under the stairs, that lacks at the entrance. The bathroom becomes a “hollywood star dressig room”, with a mirror having lights placed on its surface to create a diffused light,the Spacious table with shelves hidden under, and a fornasetti-style handmade lamp (own production), to nish the “boudoir” impression. The bedroom upstairs, having from the beginning a slope selling, now has a spacious Wardrobe, following its shape, and even appearing above the stairs by 40 cm. The bright neon light, being used only in case to dress properly, has a shape of the 1st letter of its owners name - marcello.

Appartamento a milano, mi - Milano (MI)

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Archisio - Sofia Chicherina - Progetto Appartamento a milano mi
Appartamento in zona tortona

Appartamento a mosca, russia - Milano (MI)

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Archisio - Sofia Chicherina - Progetto Appartamento a mosca russia
Appartamento moderno per una famiglia

Bagno in una casa privata, milano, mi - Milano (MI)

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Archisio - Sofia Chicherina - Progetto Bagno in una casa privata milano mi
Modernizzazione di un bagno privato della casa a milano, mi
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