Mayfair latest gem, the biltmore hotel, situated in a prime location on grosvenor square. The biltmore, it is the first uk property from lxr hotels & resorts. It has undergone a complete refurbishment, with its new design spearheaded by goddard littlefair, a london-based, luxury interior design studio.
For the restaurant entry door, we worked on a squares pattern grille with finishes in patinated bronze and handles in bronze.
Contemporary design and high quality craftsmanship for the bronze screen that leads to the restaurant.
Precious bevelled glass and wrought iron is the perfect match for the elegant bar door it has long handles upholstered in genuine burgundy red leather, by the leather master craftsmen, and squares pattern grille with bevelled glass inserts. The glass, with its bevels all around the entire edge, enhance and gives brilliance to the bronze, creating a unique and one of a kind work of art.
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