Archilovers - best project 2018
A single large space characterizes the core of the house on the lower floor
(living room + kitchen + dining + bedroom + bathrooms + relax) such first level is connected to the upper level (children’s night attic) by a ladder like stairway/cabinet.
The passion of the clients for the football generates colors: black-white (juventus uniform) and the green (the field). The allusion to a turin team is explicit. The derby is in the air since the architect is a torino supporter; the dispute generates a balance of materials and volumes, although colors prevail: white, black and green. The kitchen is visible (black corian top), large green bathroom, small white-black bathroom, relaxation area with green carpet, social fair play area-living with flooring in tiles (existing), existing oak parquet and inlaids in industrial oak parquet (new).
Chiedi un preventivo gratuito aArchitetto Francesco Massarini
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