
Andrea Stipa

Renovation and expansion of a single family house in tuscany, monte argentario - Monte Argentario (GR)

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The masonry structure of the house is partially replaced by a reinforced concrete structure which allows the opening of large windows. The patio, in continuity with the interior space, will be partly covered by a pergola and partly occupied by an undulating wooden pool that is projected towards the sea. The undulation provides access to the pool as a shoreline on a beach. During the summer the pool allows one to cool off and observe the sea, sitting on the bench. During winter time the pool is empty and becomes a place to lie down to sunbathe. The continuity between the spaces of the kitchen, the living room and the patio is emphasized by the architectural element covered with river gravel that contains the sinks of the kitchen, the fireplace, the heating elements and the outdoor barbecue. Year: 2006/2008 Fase: realized Client: private Team: Architecture: andrea stipa Structures: leonardo arezzini , andrea stipa Collaborators: alessandro casciotti, angelika kok .
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