Silvia longhi (1984, italy). After studying languages and getting my degree in multimedia science and technology with 110 cum laude, i got interested in photojournalism as an intern at the associated press office in rome. In 2007 events lead me to move to barcelona to work in fashion photography.
Since 2009 i’ve been working in italy in commercial photography focusing on architecture, still-life and digital post-production, always combining my profession with the investigation of social issues through reportage photography. I have been working at studio rocci photographers, a professional interior design and still life photography studio in the north of italy as photographer and digital retoucher.
In 2015 i won the scholarship to attend the one year masterclass in photojournalism and reportage at the wsp in rome with award winning photographers paolo marchetti, fausto podavini and giovanni 2017 my reportage "the way home about home birth" was awarded at the mifa in the people / family category.
My interior design and architecture works have received the best of houzz award in 2018 and 2019 for my portfolio.
Since 2018 i am working as content contributor for tripadvisor experiences as professional travel photographer and as commercial photographer.
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