Made from industrial steel grating that at once transmits and deflects a large amount of light, the upward spiralling surface is guided and structurally supported by a truss structure that acts as balustrade. It offers a continuous succession of areas , each ones tasking a different activity, yet with no clear definitions. Conceptually stretching the boundaries between work and live, cook and sleep into transitional zones , this structure offers the experience of a seamless , viscous unity.
The ascension of a user through the continuous spiral trajectory produces a gradual shift towards increasingly private and personal spaces.
The new spaces occasionally also need to serve as a gallery for the display of the clients crafted pieces . Visitors move upwards while examining the work at gradually progressive stages until reaching the final treasures that are displayed directly underneath the sky [light].
Hence ironically, the complex forms of the proposal, which emerged from a seemingly straightforward and functional brief, echo the social and religious concepts that inform the tradition of our clients ‘ millennial japanese metal craft.
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