
Plasma Studio

Izmir university of economy university - Izmir, Turkey

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This configuration enables a clear hierarchy and orientation, as well as giving identity to the individual parts while fostering chance encounters and a vibrant communal life. Additional synergies derive from interspersing semi-public/ leisure activities within the academic environment, so as to create a common strata, to informally encourage social interaction, encounters and proliferation of knowledge across social and disciplinary confines. The plinth/ or podium_ clustering, a grouping strategy to share the academic facilities, fostering crosspollination among various disciplines. This attempt is substantiated through social interaction by inserting semipublic/ leisure like activities within the academic environment. Transgressing the traditional isolation of the individual faculty, the project proposes a common strata, where the knowledge is distributed ‘horizontally’ through informal encounters among students. The proposal believes in enhancing the built up of novel knowledge, in encouraging the practice of trans-disciplinary research.
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