The site is located in the outer area of shanghai city and is part of the greater master plan of the city to develop peripheral new districts that can cope with the rapid urban development and the need to provide residential zones with direct access to the centre.
The competition called for the transformation of the industrial site into a high dense residential area boost by the newly open metro line station in the border of the site and a highway that ensure direct and close connections to the centre of shanghai, allowing jia ding to become an important local centre in the near future.
The project inception is based on the local ground conditions and its transition from being a heavy industrial site into a new high dense residential district which includes business and commercial zones. The challenge was to integrate the necessary techniques a methods to prepare the ground for the future development with the residential, commercial and business programmes.
The structure of the project was lay out using 3 different engineering techniques: soil remediation, water treatment and traffic and street system.
This 3 different techniques were intertwine in order to create a basic framework from where the new programme can be introduce. The potentials and possibilities that a new a clean canal system, a new ground configuration, and the reorganisation of the street layout, were used to generate a project with a new ecology that can create a sustainable diverse and inclusive community.
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