
Noname Studio

Şirintepe development - Roma (RM)

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Mixed use Service Masterplan concept design / architectural concept design Program According to the morphology of the site, a steep sloped terrain in a changing district of istanbul, we decided to design a complex organism, which blends together residential functions and public facilities. The wireframe is the matrix that generates the structural load bearing parts as well as the residential variety, giving a precise and clear rule at all the environment, as if it was a deep energy that allows the buildings to growth spontaneously and independently. The grid is the key element by which we decided to frame the relation between spaces: public and semi public facilities are organised along covered path, which cross and connects buildings at different levels. This complexity, allowed by the natural slope of the terrain, has a role also in the facades definition. Data Location: istanbul – turkey Year: masterplan and architectural design 2017 Area: 85.000 sqm Partnerships Client: atria + nef Consultant: dome asia © 2020 noname studio
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