
Noname Studio

Bandırma urban park - Roma (RM)

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Mixed use Service Competition Program The main idea of the project is to preserve the archaeological ruins of the area by adding a new ruin, to incorporate most of the functions requested by the the program and build light structures in the surrounding park. The backbone of the project is a linear building that emerges from the ground to reveal its presence in three spots: the 5-star hotel which stands as the main entrance to the area, follows up the institute where the old military walls are located and ends with a 4-star rural hotel jutting on the natural slope of the park. In this way, the axle is torn from the ground and transformed into a promenade that completes the walkways grid system as a landscape corridor. Data Location: balikesir - turkey Year: 2017 Area: 260.000 sqm Partnerships Client: municipality of balikeşir Design partners: arch. A. Biçer, arch. E. Engin, arch. D. Coltri Landscape project: p2 design © 2020 noname studio
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