
Domenico Pastore

Europan 13 - Bari (BA)

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un toit pour le flâneur strives for the maximum integration of the project in the neighbourhood. It provides a development program that would help the central area of libramont to adapt to its future, accommodating a rich variety of possible uses. The history of the town tells of sudden changes, caused by transportation and large-scale decisions, which increased in few years the importance (and the population) of the place. The proposal would define a process, instead of fixed forms, to be used as tool by investors and the municipality. Changes will take time; evolved needs will challenge the plan, which is meant to be structured on non-dogmatic rules to let the centre of libramont to be constantly “up-to-date”. The cluster strategy would read the ongoing transformation, implementing the relationship between invariants and variables. The spine of the program is a simple public strip: it links the two most important places of the town (place communale and the station square), crosses the railway without interruption or mechanical devices, provides an open linear system to be used as flexible space for temporary expositions, events, shops and recreational purposes. The new path for pedestrians and cyclists grants continuous interaction between the two parts, which are separated despite being the very centre of the city. The porch functions as a porous edge of the area, namely an interface that condenses the most public life of the community. Details Year 2015 Deign teamdomenico pastore (tr), davide bertugno, francesco cardone, eliana de candia, giuseppe resta, giuseppe tupputi Total surface 10ha Status participation Type mixed-use, residences
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