
Didon Comacchio Architects

H u t a n - Vicenza (VI)

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The installation presents a controlled, urban nature that recovers its most secret dimension through the light which becomes the catalyst for the re-discovery of the natural element. The space in which the installation is developed becomes a suggestion for a way of planning human intervention, where the life cycle of constructive elements do not obstruct the development of natural features. The shape is defined by the materials. The dimensions of the module are the standard size of a osb panel. The panels are mounted so to form a linear, square fence. The external light is the straight line, the ephemeral and imprecise limit identified by kandinsky, between surfaces outlining the three-dimensional space. The inner space is a grid of light. The structure forms "rooms" separated by irregular surfaces of illuminated gauze. The reference points are missing due to the modularity of the system. The tree species, placed according to the module, can be reached/are divided by a thin illuminated gauze that creates transparency and shadows. The man-made and natural elements merge, creating a jungle of light and greenery to cross and where to get lost in. There is no defined path, anyone can walk in and loose themselves in this natural man-made environment. The project is a box-shaped element located in any new or left over green area. Its presence characterizes and identifies the space thanks to its presence. Our will is to suggest that after the exhibition a trace of the installation remains through the presence of green elements.
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