
Alessandro Ghiringhelli

"la pista di milano" racetrack - Arese (MI)

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The alfa romeo industrial complex included a test track for cars, disused after the company closed in 2002. The area has now been restored to its original function, at the service of safe driving activities, to show cars and for organised safe driving courses. On either side of the track are two stone-shaped buildings that house offices, teaching areas, a mechanical workshop, and motor showrooms. Both are composed of a prefabricated central block in reinforced concrete, and an outer structure in lamellar wood clad with glass and metal panels in a chequered pattern. This outer skin symbolizes the flag waved at the start and finish of grand prix races. The wooden skeleton frame continues beyond the facades to form a portico, covering the grandstand terraces from which to admire the surrounding landscape and track. A covered bridge links the two buildings and marks the passage between the reception square and the car test track.
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