T-sh 25 home2live private house | norway | 2016 - Roma (RM)
This two-storey home (25+25 sq.m.) was designed for home2live, a norwegian company that deals with the development and sale of ecofriendly and cost-efficient homes.
With the first level half down in the ground, the house reaches a maximum height of 4 meters, which means that it can be considered as a one-storey house.
The sleeping area with its own independent entrance is on the ground floor (basement) and consists of a main bedroom, a little bedroom for a child or a guest and a common bathroom.
One of the main features of this house is that the main bedroom is conceived like a little wellness area where the owners can recover energy and vitality. An open space with a comfortable bed, wardrobe, jacuzzi and sauna in a very little space.
The living area is on the first floor, so that hosts can fully enjoy the view through the large windows. It consists of an open space with kitchen, closet (pantry or second bathroom) and sofa area.
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