
Ns Architect

Vauxhall wharf - Liverpool

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Project value: £5,500,000 Contract type: traditional Contractor: vega construction ltd Bim level 2 Vauxhall road is on the edge of a world heritage site, and so was designed with the various restraints imposed by this location. The three blocks had to be designed in such a way as to maintain the views across the site down across the locks towards the listed tobacco warehouse. Consequently, the site was laid out with two blocks to one end and the third block at the corner of the site, thus leaving the centre of the site free so as not to obstruct the views through the site. The three blocks comprise 74 apartments in total, which are split over two four-storey blocks and a single three-storey block. The blocks are arranged so that the maximum number of apartments benefit from a view across the site and down the dock system to the listed warehouse.
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