
Marco Dellatorre

V.e. Apartment - Torino (TO)

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Apartment of 160 mq located in a historic building in turin, date from the second half of 1800s. The charm and elegance of rooms express the reinterpretation of the noble taste of the nineteenth century with the use of elements inspired by classic trend. The living room, with the precious leather sofa custom-made, is illuminated by an important chandelier and this place is connected with the dining room which the use of design elements, as the table and chairs, but always in harmony with the background. The two bathrooms gain energy with space-saving solutions, the tiled floor and the use of bath furnishings to be in line with the apartment's style. The bedroom, connected with the dressing room, is composed by a big leather bed placed in front of a decorated wall with velvet wallpaper. Detailed and refined space in every detail that recall the classic style but with the use of modern furnishings and materials.
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