Gianluca vetnugro & meltem kosan are the founders of the brand '' the art of the negative ''
both have pursued an artistic journey that has led him to work and confronted with the photographic negatives. Gianluca and meltem's photographic impressions are visual poetry, traces of a world of reverie in which the play of the rewind between light and opacity, between light and dark full and empty, soul balanced compositions, where his subtle abstract fascination folds in visual figuration and gracefully entices his eye to the discovery of a high expression, a vocation to the image that forms the shape to sublimate it and bring it back to its primary essence. The two artists both photographers come from different life experiences and culture, but they did know. Get ready to create a vision of the new and original art.
Chiedi un preventivo gratuito aGianluca Vetrugno & Meltem Kosan /the Art Of The Negative - Artisti
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