The golden luxury villas in mambrui (malindi) - kenya - Coccaglio (BS)
A 5 star superior 5 villa complex.
The complex is situated along the famous golden beach of mambrui; a small fishing village on the east coat of kenya, 15km north from the commercial centre and airport of malindi. It is some 420km south-east of nairobi and 120km north-east of mombasa.
the five villas are just metres away from the indian ocean shoreline. The development, incorporating reception and staff areas, is accessed through a main security entrance with an avenue stretching through the middle of the plot to the beach.
Luxury at its very best.
Clean lines and simplicity with the interior designer and developer working together to create imaginative spaces both inside and out.
Spacious, airy accommodation would allow the free flow of movement and natural climate control yet resilient to adverse weather conditions and sea air.
The gardens, pool and walkway providing a grand visual link between the villas but also allowing each villa to have its own private areas reached by crossing a bridge.
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